Muse Festival - Global Jazz


Muse Festival is a special music event. It is an annual festival as well as a live recording session, aiming to support the independent music creation in Greece and its international promotion. It focuses on the “Global Jazz” idea, a concept incorporating the Jazz idiom as well as all contemporary musical forms. All concerts are recorded digitally in multi track format.

Muse Festival provides artists the opportunity to broaden their horizons of cooperation, communication and inspiration by bringing them in contact with some of the greatest international representatives of Jazz and World music. Furthermore, it gives the audience an opportunity to become part of a unique moment of musical creativity and its subsequent exposure to a worldwide audience.

Muse Festival is a non profit initiative by “” Music Institute  (  and it is being held annually in Athens – Greece during the first week of December.


  For Tickets & Info please contact:  210 3217917 - 210 8259330

On Sunday 3 December, 15:00 to 17:00 pm there will be an experimental group improvisation workshop within Muse Festival 2006. Participation to the event is open to everyone attending the festival concerts, as well as anyone who is scheduled to perform during the festival.
Participation in the event does not require any musical training. We will form an ensemble to perform two musical "Action Scores", based on simple verbal instructions. Some background info on the nature of the happening, as well as the 2 scores that will be used for the performance, can be found in the attached file. If you are interested in participating, please come along with your instrument (i.e. acoustic instrument, or any other object that can produce sound!)
For more info, please contact Danae Stefanou ( This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it )
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  M u s e  F e s t i v a l   2 0 0 7  -  December  7 - 8 - 9  & 12

I A N O S  C a f e - 24 Stadiou street - Athens 10564 


For Tickets & Info please contact:  210 3217917 - 210 8259330


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